Infertility and Feeling Jealous

What do we do with our feelings of jealousy during Infertility?

Do we try not to feel jealous? is that even something someone can do? How do we manage the deep pain of wanting what others have? How do we cope with the unfairness of it all?!

Feeling jealous is a common human emotion. It occurs when you perceive someone else having something you desire, and you wish you had it too. This is especially difficult when the thing that we are perceiving is a life that we have always wanted!

Jealousy just feels like something deeper when it's jealousy over the ability to have a child. It feels odd to be jealous that some people can do what we should be able to naturally do. It more feels like an injustice to struggle with infertility.

This confusion of emotion, the tension of wanting something, of being jealous of something, all while feeling like you are experiencing an injustice of experience is what this episode is all about.

In this episode, Jesse and Doug dig into what it means to feel jealous during infertility. They explore how we should be feeling towards jealousy and what we can do in the midst of an uncontrollable reaction to the unfairness of infertility.

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