Infertility and Meaning

Has infertility ever made you look up into the sky and ask...

What does all this mean?

Infertility can profoundly impact our sense of meaning in life.

A sense of meaning refers to the significance, purpose, or value that we attach to our experiences, actions, and existence. It’s the feeling that our lives have depth and purpose beyond mere existenceWhen we seek meaning, we explore questions like, “Why am I here?” or “What is the purpose of my life?” It’s a fundamental aspect of human consciousness, shaping our beliefs, motivations, and emotions.

Fertility, and having children, can play big role in where people find meaning in life. Many people when they think about their future and what will give their life a sense of meaning, they think about having kids.

So what on earth do you do if you are struggling to have kids. It can feel like your sense of meaning is threatened.

In this episode, we delve into those feelings, exploring what it feels like to lose your sense of meaning and how to rebuild meaning during and after infertility.

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