Infertility and Negative Self Talk

When you struggle with infertility, the self-talk can get really negative, really fast.

In this episode, Jesse and Doug discuss what it feels like to experience unrelenting negative self-talk during infertility.

Negative self-talk refers to your inner voice making critical, negative, or punishing comments. These are the pessimistic, or unfairly critical thoughts that go through your head when you are making judgments about yourself. During infertility this negative self talk can go from critical to cruel. The negative self talk becomes less about being negative and more about beating yourself up for something that you cannot control.

In this episode Jesse talks about how she can be a bully to herself and beat herself up with her words.

Doug talks about how his anxiety and excessive thinking can turn into negative self-talk.

If you have ever struggled with negative self-talk during infertility this episode is for you!

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